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This site is the property of AGENCE ANB IMMOBILIER, a company with a capital of 5000 €, RCS Angoulême B 539 013 326, whose coordinates are :

  • Registered office : L’Age 16220 ROUZEDE .
  • Legal form: SARL unipersonnelle
  • Telephone : 09 72 66 52 19
  • E-mail:
  • SIRET number: 53901332600035

The site’s publication director is Mrs BERNARD , in her capacity as manager.
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Site content

AGENCE ANB IMMOBILIER guarantees the essential characteristics of the products.
AGENCE ANB IMMOBILIER cannot be held responsible for the use and interpretation of the information contained in this site.
AGENCE ANB IMMOBILIER cannot be held responsible for any viruses that may infect the computer or any other hardware of the Internet user, following use, access or downloading from this site.
AGENCE ANB IMMOBILIER reserves the right to modify the content of its commercial offers at any time, it being understood that any order placed prior to the modification of the offer will be honored.

Copyright and intellectual property

This site is the property of Mme BERNARD who holds all intellectual property rights.
This site constitutes a work protected under intellectual property law, in the same way as the general structure of the site, the graphics and the elements accessible on the site (forms, texts, photographs, images, etc.).
Without the prior written authorization of Ms BERNARD , the site and the information contained therein may not be copied, reproduced, modified, transmitted, published on any medium whatsoever, nor exploited in whole or in part for commercial or non-commercial purposes, nor used to create derivative works.
Failure to comply with these rules may render the Internet user liable under Articles L. 713-2 and L.713-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

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By using our site, you consent to our privacy policy.
We collect information about you when you register on our site, log in to your account, make a purchase….
We undertake to collect only data that is strictly necessary.
The personal data we collect and store are : – Surname, First name – E-mail address – Telephone number   The processing of this data enables us to manage our commercial relationship, personalize your experience and meet your individual needs, provide you with personalized information, improve customer service and your care requirements, and contact you by e-mail.
The length of time we retain personal data depends on the service subscribed to.
We undertake not to retain your personal data beyond the period required to provide the service, plus the retention period imposed by the applicable rules on legal prescription.   We are the sole users of the information collected on this site.
Your personal information will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to another company without your consent, except as necessary to fulfill a request and/or transaction (e.g., to ship an order).   We implement security measures to preserve the safety of your personal information.
We also protect your information offline.
Only departments that need to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) have access to personally identifiable information.
Computers and servers used to store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.   We use cookies to improve access to our site and identify repeat visitors.
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Please note that you have the right to access, rectify, delete, oppose and limit the processing of your personal data.
You can exercise these rights by sending a written and signed request, specifying the address to which the reply should be sent and accompanied by a copy of your identity document, to : ANB Immobilier, 2 rue d’Angoulême – 16220 MONTBRON.
You can also unsubscribe at any time to stop receiving e-mails.  

Hyperlinks to third-party sites

This site contains hyperlinks to websites published by third parties.
These links are established in good faith and AGENCE ANB IMMOBILIER cannot be held responsible for any changes made to these sites.
Consequently, AGENCE ANB IMMOBILIER cannot be held responsible for these hypertext links: only the publishers of the sites referenced on the AGENCE ANB IMMOBILIER site can be held responsible.

Applicable law

This site and these legal notices are governed by French law.  

Mediation of consumer disputes

In accordance with articles L611-1 et seq. and R612-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, any dispute of a contractual nature concerning the performance of a sales contract and/or the provision of services that cannot be resolved by means of a complaint previously lodged with our customer service department may be referred free of charge to mediation.
He/she should contact ANM CONSOMMATION either by post by writing to 2 rue de Colmar 94300 Vincennes (in addition to his/her own contact details,he/she mustspecify your telephone number and e-mail address) or via our website by filling in the online contact form at the following address
For further information, please contact ANM CONSOMMATION by telephone 01 58 64 00 05Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm



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